Website Development and E-commerce
Your website is an extension of your company, and web presence is everything these days. Your homepage should contain the essence of what your business is about since it is likely the first thing seen when conducting an online search about your industry. Failure to present your online brand the best way possible can deter the introduction of new clients and the continued transaction of your current customers.
Business websites communicate what the organization is about to the online market. In this digital age people access the Internet not only through computers but through cell phones and tablets. This rapidly growing audience uses the internet for information first so your site should be accommodating to these visitors.
Online users have standards that they use to determine whether they will stay on a site or not. Your website needs to pique their attention and engage them. Being user-friendly keeps people from just closing the window and instead gives them a reason to continue to interact with the page.
Not being able to communicate with your audience properly because of poor design, incorrect information, outdated content, and uninteresting topics keeps your market from growing. First impressions do last!
The key components in building a website with an impactful design include having a balanced color palette, a lot of white space, relevant images, call to action buttons, and mobile optimization.
There is a huge difference between having a website, and having one that actually works.